Fuji Keizai expected the market value of decelerator for the automatic system in the world’s market in 2025 would be higher than 2017’s by 2.2 times due to the rising demand of the…
JARA disclosed the robot shipment volume of the first quarter of 2018 which had grown for 7 consecutive quarters due to the rising demand of the robots.
A soaring demand for semiconductors led to a 37% higher sales figure in total in 2017 than its previous year. With the innovation of the Internet of Things (IoT), semiconductors ha…
JMBTA revealed order volume of Machine Tools for the fiscal year 2018 had hit 2007’s record high and was expected to completed at around 1.75 trillion yen while the order volume in…
The growing demand of the semiconductor from the automobile sector had caused Shindengen to expand its production in Thailand with the intention to make Thailand as the one of the …
Nissan announced its production line expansion for the Variable Compression Ratio (VCR) Engine due to the success of Nissan’s actual implementation with 2,000cc engine in place of …
Mr. Tomohisa Yamazaki, the president of Yamazaki Mazak revealed that an increase in production cost in Japanese factories and the use of IoT can shorten lead time.
JARA and Fraunhofer Society jointly developed the “ORiN” structure system as a middleware used to connect FA devices produced by different manufacturers with software used in the f…
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