กล้องจุลทรรศน์ DM6 M LIBS วิเคราะห์โครงสร้างจุลภาค

LEICA Microstructure Composition Analysis Solution DM6 M LIBS

Latest Update October 23, 2018
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Analyzing with LIBS

LIBS stands for laser induced breakdown spectroscopy. A high energetic laser pulse ablates a small fraction of the sample and generates a plasma. When the plasma cools down, it emits a light of characteristic wavelength. This spectrum is then used as the chemical fingerprint of what you see in the microscope image.

The combination of your Leica Microscope and LIBS provides visual inspection and chemical analysis right at your fingertips: within a few seconds! The particle can be detected by image analysis and the material identified in one workflow step. Perform extended particle analysis in accordance with VDA19 or its international equivalent, ISO 16232, using LIBS on an optical microscope in 90% less time compared to inspection with SEM/EDS. No risk of losing the link to the particle of interest which may happen when transferring the sample to other devices.


Your advantages for technical cleanliness with the DM6 M LIBS

  • Particle analysis and identification according to VDA19
  • reliable determination of the particle composition, so it can be traced back to the contamination source;
  • Do the complete analysis in 90% less time in comparison to methods like SEM.


More information, please contact:

Histocenter (Thailand) Co., Ltd.
115 Rompo Business Center, Room A1, Rimthangrotfaisaipaknam Road, Klongtoey, Klongtoey, Bangkok 10110 Thailand.
Tel: +662 671 3068   Fax: +662 671 3069
E-mail :  [email protected]