On June 11, Japan’s Cabinet Office revealed the statistics of the increasing figure of machinery orders, which is the leading indicator of more investments in the private sector.
Disclosure of the sales forecast of 21 machine tools companies for the fiscal year 2018 indicates the part shortage may affect the revenue growth while the market uncertainty canno…
Bosch continues strong growth in Thailand. Consolidated sales reach 12.8 billion baht (335 million euros) in Thailand, a 7.5 percent increase from the previous year.
JARA disclosed that Japan’s robot purchase order in 2017 worth 944,700 million yen with the increase from 2016 by 27.8% had been expectedly caused by confidence towards Japanese ro…
Mitsubishi announced full-year Financial Results, reported net sales up 15% year-on-year to 2.19 trillion yen for Fiscal Year 2017. According to ASEAN sales increased by 33% to 275…
Fuji Keizai expected the market value of decelerator for the automatic system in the world’s market in 2025 would be higher than 2017’s by 2.2 times due to the rising demand of the…
JARA disclosed the robot shipment volume of the first quarter of 2018 which had grown for 7 consecutive quarters due to the rising demand of the robots.
The 8 top automobile manufacturers disclosed the increase of their vehicle production volumes for the fiscal year 2017 from the previous year while the world’s total production in …
JMBTA revealed order volume of Machine Tools for the fiscal year 2018 had hit 2007’s record high and was expected to completed at around 1.75 trillion yen while the order volume in…
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