Thailand Car Production in November 2021

Car Production in November 2021 totaled 163,353 units, expected to “reach over 1.6 million for the whole year”

Latest Update December 21, 2021
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Mr. Surapong Paisitpatanapong, Vice-Chairman and the spokesman for the Automotive Industry Group, the Federation of Thai Industries (FTI), in the press conference, revealed the total production for all vehicles in November and the expected total number for 2021.

Total car production

The November production reached the highest point in 12 months at 163,353 units. It decreased 4.12% Year-on-Year (YoY) but increased 7.35% from October 2021 as 90,112 units or 54.50% were produced for export. The production number for 11 months of this year totaled 1,531,337 units, rising 19.26% from the same period of last year. The forecast number for the whole year production of 2021 is about 1,600,000 – 1,700,000 units.

ยอดผลิตรถยนต์ เดือนพฤศจิกายน 2564

Total production of 163,353 vehicles in November 2021

- Passenger car production at 56,063 units, 15.44 % decrease (YoY)
- Bus under 10 tons and over 10 tons, at zero, 100% decrease (YoY)
- Truck at 109,290 units, 3% increase (YoY)
- 1 Ton Pickup truck at 105,197 units, 1.98% increase (YoY)
- Pickup truck less than 5 tons – over 10 tons, at 1,093 units, 38.37% increase (YoY)

ยอดผลิตรถยนต์ เดือนพฤศจิกายน 2564

Car production for export

In November 2021, the car production for export totaled 90,112 units, representing 54.50% of the whole production or an increase of 17.15% (YoY)

- 19,574 passenger cars, down 21.63% (YoY)
- One- ton pickup truck for export at 70,538 units, 35.80% increase (YoY)

Car production for domestic use

In November 2021, there were 90,112 units produced for domestic use, representing 45.50% of the total production, decreasing 21.24% (YoY)

- 36,489 passenger cars, down 11.69% (YoY)
- one- ton pickup truck at 34,659 units, 32.32% decrease (YoY)

The Federation of Thai Industries (FTI) forecasted the car production in 2022 at 1,700,000 to 1,800,000 units, which could be 800,000 – 850,000 units for domestic and 900,000 – 950,000 units for export. We need to evaluate the risks from the new wave of the COVID-19 pandemic and the chip shortage that would still be the major obstacle to produce some vehicles.