Fuji Keizai expects market value of decelerator for automatic system soars twice

Latest Update May 1, 2018
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Fuji Keizai expected the market value of decelerator for the automatic system in the world’s market in 2025 would be higher than 2017’s by 2.2 times or equivalent to 1.9 hundred billion yen due to the rising demand of the automatic system and the utilization of robots. The additional expectation added that the exceptional expansion was Asia’s market mainly came from China and Japan.  

It is expected that in 2018, the market value in China would reach 102,000 million yen, increased from the previous year by 17.2%.

The major sources of the current Electronics Manufacturing Services (EMS) are in China and Vietnam. The demand of the small robots has rapidly increased and led to the equal growth of the demand and the supply toward the decelerator. In addition, the demand of the small robots for the EMS business naturally occurs with a large amount of the demand within a short period of time, leading to the delay of the supply of the decelerator and causing an effect on the robots delivery.  

On the other hand, formerly, the center of the decelerator market was Japanese manufacturers, comparing with the present market where the center is the new manufacturers, i.e. China and India. It is expected that the competition within the market would help solve the delay problem of the suppliers.  

In addition, with more dramatic competition of the market, it is expected that there would be a possibility of low price decelerator development to use with affordable robots in the future, especially in China and Vietnam.