Machine Manufacturer Yamazaki Mazak Reveals IoT Can Reduce Lead Time
Mr. Tomohisa Yamazaki, the president of Yamazaki Mazak revealed that an increase in production cost in Japanese factories and the use of IoT can shorten lead time.
Mr. Tomohisa Yamazaki, the president of Yamazaki Mazak revealed that an increase in production cost in Japanese factories and the use of IoT can shorten lead time.
JFMA เผย ยอดการสั่งซื้อเครื่องขึ้นรูปโลหะ (Metal Forming Machine) ประจำเดือนมกราคม โดยยอดสั่งซื้อนี้มีมูลค่ากว่า 25,887 ล้านเยน สูงขึ้นจากเดือนเดียวกันในปี 2017 ถึง 3.6%
JMBTA revealed order volume of Machine Tools for the fiscal year 2018 had hit 2007’s record high and was expected to completed at around 1.75 trillion yen while the order volume in…
JARA disclosed the robot shipment volume of the first quarter of 2018 which had grown for 7 consecutive quarters due to the rising demand of the robots.
Fuji Keizai expected the market value of decelerator for the automatic system in the world’s market in 2025 would be higher than 2017’s by 2.2 times due to the rising demand of the…
The 8 top automobile manufacturers disclosed the increase of their vehicle production volumes for the fiscal year 2017 from the previous year while the world’s total production in …
Welding technology continues to grow! Ongoing development of welding technology with more efficiency welding robot to serve EV.
Mitsubishi announced full-year Financial Results, reported net sales up 15% year-on-year to 2.19 trillion yen for Fiscal Year 2017. According to ASEAN sales increased by 33% to 275…
JARA disclosed that Japan’s robot purchase order in 2017 worth 944,700 million yen with the increase from 2016 by 27.8% had been expectedly caused by confidence towards Japanese ro…
Several auto part manufacturers have changed their paths to use hot stamping technique (hot-forming) in order to serve the popular use of ultra high tensile steel in automotive ind…
Thailand’s motor vehicle production volume in May 2018 increased by 13.94% y-o-y and 43.29% from the previous month due to the rises of the domestic vehicle sales and vehicle expor…
Vehicle sales volume in May 2018 increased by 27.9% y-o-y and 7.27% from the previous month.
On June 11, Japan’s Cabinet Office revealed the statistics of the increasing figure of machinery orders, which is the leading indicator of more investments in the private sector.
Isuzu Motors has revealed its business performance of Q2 in 2018 showing a staggering increase from the previous year, especially in Asian region and specifically Thailand.
The positive sign of the Thai economy has been reflected in several key figures, including vehicle sales in 1H/2018 increased by 19.3% from the same period last year.
HP Metal Jet up to 50x more productive, delivering low-cost, high-quality final parts. New Metal Jet Production Service opens up world of applications to global customers.
Are you tired of the limitations of using copper electrodes in Electrical Discharge Machining (EDM)? Say hello to the future of EDM efficiency with Graphite Electrodes with MST Cor…
MST ANGLE HEAD HALF - Optimal design for drilling and tapping! Add one more axis at a minimum cost
Shrink-fit Holder Mono Curve from MST Corporation, With its slim nose and re-enforced neck, this holder has high accessibility and rigidity even when the length gets longer.
RED screw arbor from MST - Highly rigid design makes the best use of carbide alloy properties. Carbide-integrated type eliminates slipping. Stable machining even in deep machining …
Dr. Toshitaka Matsuoka, a professor at Tokyo University and a collaborative researcher at Riken, who is one of the experts in manufacturing technology has expressed his opinion tow…
Current trends for investment in machine tools in 2019
Mitsubishi Motors Corporation (MMC) today announced its financial results for the nine-month period to December 31, 2018.
The Thai exports in January 2019 contracted 5.7 percent with value of 18.9 billion USD. On import side, its value in January 2019 increased 14 percent to 23 billion USD, resulting …
Mr. Chulit Jatisatien, Managing Director of Samco Co., Ltd. reveals two key technologies and three-year business plan.
M Report News Agency had a special interview with Mr. Jacob Harpaz upon his visit to Thailand to attend “ISCAR LOGIQ” seminar on June 19, 2019. The interview was about his vision t…
At Asia Distributor Meeting 2019 held on July 4, 2019 at Okamoto (Thailand) plant in Ayutthaya, the chief executive team flying in from Japan declared a three-year business plan. T…
Meet top machinery suppliers; smart manufacturing, high-precision equipment, energy-saving apparatuses on Alibaba.com at Smart Manufacturing Exhibition (Thailand) 2019, 18-20 Septe…
Metal+Metallurgy Thailand will make its debut on September 18-20, 2019, Bangkok!
Activity Program of Smart Manufacturing Exhibition (Thailand) 2019, and Metal+Metallurgy Thailand 2019 18th - 20th Sep.2019 at BITEC, Bangkok
Save to date to visit Metal+Metallurgy (Thailand) 2019, see highlights to prepare yourself.
The global economy has affected Japan’s machine tool orders in August 2019 to hit the lowest record in several months. The big chains revealed negative figures of exports while man…
New. Extreme. Powerful. RT 100 XF Ratio drill
China Machinery & Intelligent Manufacturing Brand Show (Thailand) 2019 was grandly opened on September 18th, co-located with the Smart Manufacturing Exhibition (Thailand) and Metal…
Three of the new generation heirs of Thai industry who have honorably received the “M Award – G2 of the Year 2019” will come back to talk about the next money machine. Reserve your…
Three of the new generation heirs of Thai industry who have honorably received the “M Award – G2 of the Year 2019” will come back to talk about the next money machine. Reserve your…
Target business of tomorrow at ASEAN’s largest venue for industrialists at “METALEX 2019” – ASEAN’s number 1 metalworking technology exhibition under the theme of “New Smart Techno…
Thanks to a variety of solution concepts, ZOLLER Solutions can be used to meet any requirements, ranging from small companies to large production enterprises, significantly increas…
Dr. Wilfried Schäfer the Managing Director of German Machine Tools Builders’ Association is leading the world-class companies to exhibit the cutting-edge technologies and the debut…
METALEX 2019 under the theme of “New Smart Technologies”, where industrial leading technologies from 4,000 brands, 50 countries and 9 international pavilions will make their introd…
METALEX 2019, the 33rd edition of machine tools and metalworking exhibition serving ASEAN, is open today with high technologies from German Partner Country and more than 4,000 bran…
Thai Fukoku, manufacturer of anti-vibration parts for motor vehicles, air conditioners, and building elevators. Mr. Kazuhiko Kobayashi, the Managing Director has shared some ideas…
Thai automotive industry has been one of the country's main industries for a long time and has created different supporting industries, that it is reaching the dead end. The managi…
The forecast numeric data and analyses from leading agencies and major players here cover the groups of machine tools, metal forming machines, and automation. Read more in this new…
The Sodick "OPM250L" Metal 3D Printer, a high-precision 3D metal printer in one of the "OPM Series," has changed the way of mold production. Combined with the progress of additive …
Sodick was established 30 years ago as a manufacturer of advanced industrial machinery. Upon an opening of Sodick’s new factory, Mr. Hideki Tsukamoto revealed its driving force and…
LOGIQ3CHAM is an advanced three-flute indexable drill featuring a unique pocket design for minimal runout and a high level of repeatability.
The ability to produce work in micron level should be the next potential target that the Thai manufacturing industry must reach to serve increasing demand of extremely high precisi…
"Every vehicle on the road in Thailand must have at least one piece from our company." That is the sentence said confidently by Mr. Yeap Swee Chuan from AAPICO Hitech Public Compa…
Touch probes from HEIDENHAIN are designed for use on machine tools to help reduce setup times, increase machine usage time, and improve the dimensional accuracy of the finished wor…