SIMTec “Gate to Wisdom” Opened: Game Changer of Manufacturing Industry 4.0 to Support EEC
On 30 August 2019, the Permanent Secretary of the Ministry of Industry Dr. Pasu Loharjun presided over the opening ceremonies of Sumipol Institute of Manufacturing Technology (SIMTec) and the Eastern Regional Office Rayong of Sumipol Corporation Limited at the entrance of Amata City Industrial Estate, Rayong.
Among the number of guests are the important customers and high-level executives from government agencies such as Secretary General of the Eastern Economic Corridor Office of Thailand (EEC) Dr. Kanit Sangsubhan, the representatives from 14 cooperative organizations including Honorary Chairman of the Federation of Thai Industries Mr. Supant Mongkolsuthree, Director of the National Institute of Metrology Mrs. Ajchara Charoensook, Director of the Thai-German Institute Mr. Somwang Boonrakcharoen, President of Thai Auto Parts Manufacturers Association Mr. Sompol Tanadumrongsak, as well as top executives of the leading machinery and equipment manufacturing companies sponsoring the institute, who had flown directly from Japan, i.e. Mitutoyo Corporation, Denso Corporation, DMG MORI, Fanuc, Sumitomo Hardmetal, OSG Corporation, A.L.M.T., BIG DAISHOWA, OMRON, Trusco, and directors of many academic institutions and training centers of both public and private sectors involved.
The event was very warm-welcoming and started with the statement from Chairman of Sumipol Group Limited Mr. Jiraphan Ulpathorn to welcome the honorable guests to the opening ceremony of Sumipol Institute of Manufacturing Technology and the new Eastern office in Rayong province. SIMTec is a technical learning institution with the objective of developing modern technology skills to meet the needs of Industry 4.0
Standing prominently on the right side of the building in front, this special sculpture was created by Emeritus Professor Dr. Preecha Thaothong, a national artist according to the royal science of King Rama IX in the sense of "The Gate to Wisdom". It shows the pattern of the quadruple door decorated with contemporary flower patterns, surrounding the tip of the pencil. It represents a learning resource for trainees coming from all over places and for everybody.
Representing 14 public and private cooperative organizations, the Secretary General of EEC Dr. Kanit Sangsubhan expressed his gratitude to see a perfect technical learning institute of all areas, which will be well served as a training center. The most important thing is that this institution is a powerful force from 14 important public and private organizations, including the cooperation received from the manufacturing companies that own the technology in various fields in the form of the strengthening of the civil state according to the governmental policy. The cooperation with relevant organizations in the EEC area is well expected to expand to optimize the benefits and soon to be reliable for labor force in the industrial sector to bring Thailand into the 4.0 era.
Representing the technology partners of "mother machines" and "mother tools" essential for manufacturing, the President of Mitutoyo Corporation (Japan) Mr. Yoshiaki Numata revealed that when knowing the concept of the establishment of the SIMTec, he was totally agreed and looked forward to giving full cooperation. “We have always believed that ‘good technology’ comes from ‘good people’. ‘Good people’ come from ‘good environment.’ So it is very important to have ‘good environment’.” As SIMTec gives people hands-on education through mother machines and mother tools, there is no greater joy than being able to contribute toward the development of new generation engineers.
As the founder of the Lean Automation System Integrators (LASI), in collaboration with the Japanese-Thai government, Mr. Katsuhiko Sugito, Executive Officer, Denso Corporation (Japan) talked about Denso's support for the second room using lean automation system integrators or "LASI" center of the EEC area, which is located in this SIMTec.
From now on, the EEC area is expected that there will be development in the industry, especially the development of service providers in the field of automation and system integrator. With approval from Thailand’s Ministry of Industry and Japan's Ministry of Economy, Trade and Industry, or METI, DENSO Corporation and Sumipol have established the second LASI center, which is a partnership among the public and private sectors and educational institutions at this SIMTec Institute. It operates under the support of many leading entrepreneurs from Japan to develop and cultivate more Japanese-style Monodzukuri. SIMTec needs to partner with manufacturers to create better training courses while being dedicated to helping the industry in order to create a win-win relationship between Thailand and Japan with the hope that this will be a center for the dissemination of innovation in the future.
Then, as the chairman of the ceremony, the Permanent Secretary of the Ministry of Industry Dr. Pasu Loharjun said that it was an auspicious time to establish the first learning institute in the EEC area in witness of the Thai and foreign honored guests, including senior executives from the manufacturers in Japan, who has been supporting the project, as well as executives of renowned Thai manufacturers, and relevant public and private representatives.
The Sumipol Institute of Manufacturing Technology (SIMTec) is probably the first collaboration between public and private sectors. Its collaboration consists of 14 organizations, including world-renowned machinery and equipment manufacturers who support it with 18 brands of cutting-edge machinery installed for training to develop national personnel resources in the form of re-skill and up-skill to meet the growth of the industry in the EEC area. As a major synergy, it shows the determination and perseverance of the founders to truly work for the benefit of the country. Once the SIMTec fully operates, it will likely be beneficial to both current and new industrial operators.
In the government sector, the Ministry of Industry in collaboration with the Ministry of Science and Technology and the Ministry of Digital Economy and Society has established an Industry Transformation Center (ITC). The ITC provides assistance and advice for business services, commercial research, as well as cultivates entrepreneurial businesses to be able to effectively transition to business operations and product development, which is in line with the operation of SIMTec in the development of personnel to achieve success together.
The SIMTec professional management assures us that this institute will create countless benefits for the industrial sector and be stable and sustainable while jointly developing the industrial sector and Thailand to the 4.0 era as all parties are dedicated and expected, Dr. Pasu Loharjun concluded.
The Director of SIMTec Mr. Thongpol Oulpathorn talked about the Eastern Special Development Zone, a mega-project to promote investment in the industry, was the origin of the SIMTec establishment to support the growth of the industry. SIMTec is 7,500 sq. m. four-story building located on seven rai of land, of which over 70% is used for SIMTec training activities.
SIMTec is committed to developing skilled personnel to meet the needs of the Industry 4.0 era. The training includes demonstrations and hands-on learning in various courses for engineers, technicians in the industrial sector, trainers of academic institutions and training centers, and students who are about to enter the work-force age. The training is in the form of a large learning factory, encompassing 3 areas: machining strategy, measuring innovation, and factory automation and IoT.
SIMTec has started to provide training on the same curriculum that has already been done since the beginning of August 2019 and will gradually expand the training courses. Interested parties may ask for more information by calling 033-047-800 or sales and service personnel of Sumipol Corporation Limited, Bangkok Head Office Tel. 02-762-3000, Eastern Regional Office Chonburi Tel. 038-930-888, and Eastern Regional Office Rayong Tel. 033-047-888.