BOI Emphasizes Thailand’s Strength in Comprehensive EV Production Benz Camp announces full EV
BOI confident in strong electric vehicle industry ready to be the main production base of the region After world-class car companies continue to invest in Thailand Apply for promotion 14 entrepreneurs with 3 strategies to move forward in the EV industry continuously strengthen supply chain Develop an ecosystem to support building a long-term sustainable industrial base. Recently, a group of media members visited the business. “Mercedes-Benz” manufacturer Leading car brands from Germany with important partners, Thonburi Group, a complete car assembly and EV battery manufacturer
Mr. Narit Therdsateerasak The Secretary-General of the Board of Investment (BOI) revealed that the automotive and parts industry It is very important to the Thai economy. As it employs over 800,000 people, there are more than 3,000 enterprises involved in the supply chain, with an export value of over 900 billion baht, it is Thailand’s number one export product. Therefore, the transition to the electric vehicle industry ( Electric Vehicle: EV) this time is an important moment and has great significance to the sustainability of the automotive production base in Thailand. EV will be the new engine that will help drive the Thai economy in the long run. It also helps reduce pollution problems from the transportation sector. Help drive Thailand towards carbon neutral as well.
Building an EV Industry Base It is a national policy that many agencies come together to push. whether BOI Ministry of Finance Ministry of Industry and the Ministry of Energy Thailand is the first country in the region to issue a comprehensive measure. It covers both the promotion of manufacturers and the creation of domestic markets. Which in the past was very successful The domestic EV market is expanding rapidly. And there are many automobile and parts companies interested in investing in setting up production bases. At present, there are 14 major investors applying for investment promotion in the production of battery electric vehicles (BEV) and there is still a trend of interest from various companies. continually
“Even though Thailand has been successful in driving the policy of the electric vehicle industry in the early stages. But the next phase will have more intense competition. Thailand still needs support measures. EV continued The BOI’s approach to EV promotion in the next phase will focus on 3 key strategies to drive Thailand to become a world-class EV production and export base: 1) move forward with companies to set up EV production bases; continually including supporting existing entrepreneurs to transition to EVs and attract new companies 2) Strengthening the domestic supply chain Especially in the production of batteries and key parts of EVs. as well as enhancing the potential of Thai SMEs who are automotive parts manufacturers. and 3. Promote and develop the EV ecosystem. Especially in the field of electric charging stations. Development of highly skilled personnel Updates to various regulations to facilitate the EV business preparation of standards Including the strengthening of the testing center. Research and development center to support the building of a sustainable EV industry base in the long run,” said Mr. Narit.
In addition, on May 9, Mercedes-Benz (Thailand) Co., Ltd. hosted a meeting of Mercedes-Benz executives from more than 20 countries around the world (Regional Overseas Meeting) in Bangkok by BOI Secretary-General Invited to represent government agencies come to meet and present government measures at the meeting as well
“BOI presents Mercedes-Benz executives from around the world. This shows the readiness of Thailand to be the center of the electric vehicle industry in the region. both in terms of infrastructure Comprehensive Supply Chain Growth potential of the domestic market and government support measures by Mercedes-Benz executives paid attention to many issues Especially about the support of electric charging stations. Availability of renewable energy supply systems for the business sector. Continuation of supportive measures (EV3) and the utilization of various FTAs to make Thailand a global EV export base,” Narit added.