Company Name

Sakun C Innovation Co., Ltd.


บริษัท สกุลฎ์ซี อินโนเวชั่น จำกัด

Address 52/10 M.2 T.Taka A.Bangplama
Province Suphanburi
Country Thailand
Zip Code 72150
Telephone +666 3161 5975, +666 1391 8421
Fax +66 35 514 234
Establish Date 2017-08-04
Capital 400,000,000 THB
Employee 1 - 25
Business Description Sakun C Innovation Co., Ltd. was founded on August 4, 2017, with the objective of researching and to produce modern vehicle in order to promote quality transportation experiences, by enhancing the safety of Thailand’s transportation systems.
From OEM manufacturer that have overcomes an automotive economic crisis state. We see the gaps on national safety standard both in transportation and tourism, thus these lead us to conjugate the technology we have to an innovation. From studying all problems (pain point), limitations in the market, produce the prototypes, design testing and selecting modern materials that is difficult for stamping and developing process yet they have an advantages that overcome the original material including weight, strength and longer lifetime that meet customer needs. We have also prepare for integrating our product internationally by developing an electric system and digital technology, to enhance and add more values to the product.
Customer Industry Other
Latest Update 2020-06-04 11:37:26